An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Mechs & Magic – The Vision of Escaflowne Spoiler Review

Escaflowne is an… interesting production. It’s a sprawling story spawned out of the lawless pre-2000s zeitgeist that didn’t require shows to inhabit particular genre boxes quite as insistently as you usually see in more modern works. It’s kind of a fantasy epic, technically Isekai, at least as Mecha as Full Metal Panic, sometimes a shoujo romance, and held together with sutures of psychological drama and alternate history. Whew!

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Fictional Countries, Real Robots – Full Metal Panic (Season 1) Spoiler Review

It’s March, and that means I’m once again going to take a dive into the Mecha genre. Now, I’ve looked at Mecha shows before, both in and out of March, but the Mecha shows I reviewed last time have something in common: they’re all more “Super Robot” shows.

For those who may be unaware, the Mecha genre often makes a distinction between different shows. “Super Robot” shows are ones where the Mecha (scientific explanation or not) is more of a fantastic element. They’re big, powerful, sometimes questionably machines, and defy or ignore what we think we know about physics. Little time or effort is taken to make the mechas “realistic” or believable; instead, it’s more about what’s cool. Not every Super Robot show is bright Shonen (after all, Evangelion and all its tortured, psychological offspring are still Super Robot) but many are.

In contrast, a “Real Robot” show presents mechas more as real (if futuristic) war machines. They often still get a couple technical hand-waves to explain how and why humanoid robots are the tanks or battleships of their setting, but they still try to build their robots out of nuts and bolts and make you believe that you’re dealing with a machine that humans could build and that the viewer could understand. As such the shows themselves tend to be about (relatively) realistic warefare, rather than punching out giant monsters.

This isn’t to say that Super Robot shows can’t have engineering or treat their mechas as machines, or Real Robot shows can’t have supernatural elements; it’s a spectrum, not a sharp divide. But, by in large, those are the poles.

When it comes to Mecha, Super Robot shows are more my wheelhouse, but I wanted to look at at least one Real Robot show for Mecha March this year, and thus I’m leading off with the most down-to-Earth Mecha show this side of Robotics;Notes, Full Metal Panic.

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Worst-kept Secrets – Actually, I Am Spoiler Review

It seems to have been something of a theme this month to take on the idea of the hazy middle ground between “Harem” and “Romance” – two concepts that are deeply related (given that they both imply significant focus on romantic relationships) but that are very different in expectations. It happened somewhat for Love, Chuunibyou, and Other Delusions and it happened more pointedly for Chivalry of a Failed Knight and it is all over Actually, I Am.

I debated, in a big way, whether or not this show should be considered a Harem show. After all, I pointed out when trying to pick apart the tropes of the lazy stock Harem outing in Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs that lazy shows often have a clear “favorite” among the Harem. What I feel is the distinction, though, is that while there can be clear favorites, there’s not ‘supposed’ to be a clear winner, at least not until the thing is (mostly) over. And that is the crux of the question.

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Battle School Romance, No Harem Required – Chivalry of a Failed Knight Spoiler Review.

So, last September I took a swing at the “Battle School” genre, which I feel like needs more acknowledgment as being its own thing with its own conventions, the same way as Isekai gets (though probably with similar tones of criticism). These shows have tight formulas and a lot of genre expectations. One of those expectations is that Battle School shows are, almost without exception, Harem shows. They follow a male lead with some unique circumstances, and he inevitably attracts several interesting women who become the main components of his social circle and ultimately develop feelings for him. And, in proper Harem fashion, the lead guy will, even if he has some preference, pretty much never settle on or pick one of the girls to form a relationship with.

Viewer expectations are an interesting beast. It can be good to subvert them at times, but you have to take care in how you do it, because there’s also an unspoken contract with viewers that if you present a certain way, you provide certain elements, and refusing to honor the implicit contract can generate backlash, even against material that’s actually good.

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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 5

It was bad enough that the animation, slowly improving though it is, should never have made it to the screen. Up until now, that was the worst thing; the rest of the show had been… lame at worst. Mostly serviceable when you take the art of cinema out of the equation. Now? It’s still the worst, but the writing isn’t doing it any favors. Reaction video and more after the cut.

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An Arranged Marriage Romance? – The World is Still Beautiful Spoiler Review

Fantasy is often a romanticized genre. I would say that, more than other genres that go beyond the world we know, stories that delve into period-esque worlds with magic and adventure tend to be ones where you also get idealized love stories. I’m not sure why this is, but I do think that you expect fantasy romance plots to be more sweeping and melodramatic than, say, science fiction. Very rarely do period matters like arranged marriages or unions for the good of the nation rather than ‘true’ love come into play.

The World is Still Beautiful, though, thumbs its nose at the idea that this is what is or must be done, to an extent trying to do for affairs of state and political marriage what Spice and Wolf would do for economics, making a topic that would be conventionally found dry and making it central and interesting through clever storytelling and good emotions

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