An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 21 (S2E10)

Can you believe we’ve got more coming after this? Once again, the show has done a pretty good job of convincing you that everyone is dead and all is if not lost than at least at a brutal end. Alongside that, we get a pretty incredible action climax with the right amount of back-and-forth for a desperate final battle against the odds.

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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 19 (S2E8)

After another recap break in the action, we resume 86 with the hunt for the Morpho. Uncharacteristically for this show, the episode is mostly dedicated to the action. It’s extremely good action, but it does mean that the summary will cover more of what there is to say.

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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 18 (S2E7)

86 is a show that knows how to move deliberately. This episode was essentially entirely dedicated to buildup and setting the stage, with the actual attack on the “Morpho” rail cannon being saved for next week. Along the way, of course, we get loads of character building and some neat looks into the machinery of government and the military.

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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 17 (S2E6)

In the Republic, the fighting has become fierce, with Lena managing a forward command post as the Alba citizens scatter in terror. But more than that, we’re concerned with that attack that hit the Federacy, and what it might mean for the eighty-six and their new homeland.

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