An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 5

It was bad enough that the animation, slowly improving though it is, should never have made it to the screen. Up until now, that was the worst thing; the rest of the show had been… lame at worst. Mostly serviceable when you take the art of cinema out of the equation. Now? It’s still the worst, but the writing isn’t doing it any favors. Reaction video and more after the cut.

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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 4

Look, I get it. If you’re going to steal visual designs, Neon Genesis Evangelion is probably a good choice. It’s got some good designs. But if you’re going to steal from Eva, show a little respect and actually use the pilfered parts in a way and in a place that has the weight and awesomeness the material deserves. Having a cruddy little robot that would be stomping material even by most Real Robot standards mimic EVA-01 just makes you look even lamer for the comparison.

Audio Commentary and thoughts after the cut.

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