An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 2

Reaction of the episode (Paraphrased): “Blink. Blink. BLINK! Blink already, you soulless Barbie Doll!”

So, for this episode, we’ve decided to record live reactions. Fair warning, it’s mostly just screaming about how horrible the CGI is, even though it’s actually moved up in the world since Episode 1. Video after the cut, watch it if you want the ranting, otherwise just scroll on for the meat.

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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 1

Up until now, when I’ve done Seasonal Selection series, I’ve chosen material that I have some interest in or that I think might be of some value. This season, I’m doing something different: Basically since the first trailer dropped, Ex-Arm has been a show people have been talking about, and not in any way good. It was pretty clear that there was going to be a lot of hate for the show, so I’ve decided to strap myself in for the wild ride and see if it’s worth the rage it got before even releasing and will likely continue to get as it runs.

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Seasonal Selection – Warlords of Sigrdrifa Episode 5

After the bizarre out-of-body experience that was last episode, we get something very much different and, in my opinion, the show’s strongest episode so far in terms of character.

We start by introducing a new character, “Big Sis” Amatsuka, a senior Valkyrie who Miko seems to be very fond of. Azu and Sono, less so. Along with her fighter squad, she’s an ace who goes to wherever the fighting is the toughest… which makes her appearance at Tateyama base both odd and somewhat worrying.

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