An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Takeru Shirogane’s Wild Ride, Anime Edition – Muv Luv Alternative Season 2 Spoiler Review

Another year, another season of the troubled Muv Luv Alternative anime has come and gone. For those just joining us, I looked at the first two visual novels, the Alternative Visual Novel, and the first season of this show last year. I will try my best to keep this newbie-friendly, but we are talking about season two of an adaption of part 3 of a saga, so into this review some references must fall.

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In the Name of the (Blood) Moon – Lunar Legend Tsukihime Anime Spoiler Review

Last week I ended up wishing for a better vampire. Well, no matter what else I can say about Lunar Legend Tsukihime, I will get at least that – not difficult given the bar that was set. Was my search vindicated, or did I wish on a horrifying monkey paw with predictable results? Let’s find out.

Before really digging in, I feel the need to mention that I have not actually read/played the Tsukihime visual novel. I say this because, despite not being a player, I’m all too aware that fans of the VN absolutely despise this adaptation. Unlike Muv Luv Alternative where I could talk intelligently about what was or wasn’t done in taking the original medium and bringing it to the screen, I’m approaching this as an anime-only viewer, someone who went in knowing only the vaguest of snippets from the broader Nasuverse.

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Prophecy of a Failed Vampire – A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives Spoiler Review

Let’s talk about Vampires. Few mythical creatures seem to have captured quite as much worldwide attention as the blood-sucking undead. Perhaps it’s because they’re a resonant idea when used for horror – a monster that is active when most humans are vulnerable and that acts as a predator on humanity. Perhaps it’s because there’s a lot of baked-in sexuality to the modern vampire (as well as many mythical predecessors), evoking some pretty deep fantasies.

Or perhaps it’s because they’re versatile – as might be guessed from those first two points, there’s a huge range of possibilities with vampires, from the zombie-like infected of I am Legend (the original book, mind you), to the charming but deadly children of the night that come to us from Bram Stoker, Anne Rice, and Vampire: the Masquerade; from neighborhood nobodies as with Call of the Night’s Nazuna Nanakusa to terrifying powerhouses like Kizumonogatari’s Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade. There are a lot of ways to do Vampires. So it’s kind of frustrating when we get a vampire show where you could call the vampire just about any supernatural name and have it stick just as well.

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Equivalent Exchange – Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Spoiler Review

In history, the “Magnum Opus” or “Great Work” was a term for the alchemical pursuit of the protoscience’s greatest goals, particularly the Philosopher’s Stone and the process it would make capable, turning base metal into gold. It was thought to be a process of iterative refinement, not just for the raw materials that would be worked into higher forms, but spiritually for the alchemist himself, becoming a purer being closer to the divine with each step, the creation of the stone and the betterment of the self inexorably intertwined with the causal link unclear.

Take what you will from that factoid, it’s time to look at Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

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Dante’s Gate – Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) Spoiler Review

“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy’s first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world’s one and only truth.”

That one little speech is, for many Anime fans of my age, one of the most emblematic of their early experience with the medium. The 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist anime isn’t just a classic; it’s notable as a pioneer and gateway for tons of fans. And so, it was inevitable that I would have to delve into it on this blog some time.

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The Perils of Purgatory – Angel Beats Spoiler Review

Happy Boxing Day everybody! It’s time to talk about a favorite few topics this time of year: Heaven, “Feel Good” material, and Animes that I personally have some degree of spite towards. Every year, somewhere around the Winter Solstice and that other regional holiday I’m sure nobody celebrates, I take a look at at least one show that really grinds my gears. This year, that show is Angel Beats.

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The Cutest Battlebots – Angelic Layer Spoiler Review

I’ll be honest, fighting games have never exactly been my scene. I’ve played a fair bit of Smash Bros., and that’s about it. I can see the appeal, I’m just no good at them. On the other hand, at least as a spectator, I was big into Battlebots at one point, so I can appreciate the idea of sending custom rigs into a sort of competitive combat.

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Summary x Criticism – Spy x Family (Season 1) Spoiler Review

At times I have a… complex relationship with shows that get a lot of hype. On one hand, where there’s smoke there is often fire, and while I don’t find every heavily hyped show to be a winner, they do probably have something to them more often than shows that didn’t get much attention. On the other hand, the hype can also be hard for a show to live up to. Yeah, it’s good, but if it’s been built up as the best thing since sliced bread it’s going to be inevitably somewhat disappointing when it’s… just kind of nice. Back to the first side, though, not every show that gets a lot of attention gets unmetered praise above and beyond what it actually deserves.

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Adventures in Glass – Den-noh Coil Spoiler Review

Den-noh Coil (or Dennou Coil; it’s been inconsistently romanized over the years) is a science fiction (one might even call it cyberpunk) show that features a future deeply influenced by augmented reality technology. It’s a dive into a multi-layered blend of digital and physical realities where our young heroes attempt to work out for themselves what’s real to them and what’s worth saving. If that sounds familiar, don’t worry; the similar pitch to last week’s Fractale review is accurate, but the differences between the shows are more vast than the gulfs between stars, so I don’t expect to mention Fractale again this week.

Instead, Den-noh coil is a kind of show that I have to admit is right up my alley, with similar tone and content to Noein, KagePro, and too many 80’s movies and imitators thereof to count. I have a soft spot for works that take younger characters out on an adventure, because when they’re done well they really capture the feeling of a world that’s big and mysterious and full of wonder. I’ll try to not let this particular weakness get too much in the way of giving the show a properly fair review.

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