An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Nausicaa in White – Kaina of the Great Snow Sea Spoiler Review

It should come as no surprise, given I’ve put down my thoughts on selected Ghibli films that I’m something of a fan of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, particularly in its true and massive Manga form. So, when I see something like Kaina of the Great Snow Sea, where the apple hardly falls from the tree to say nothing of falling far, I typically come in with some mixed feelings. On the one side, there’s an impulse to see more versions and reflections of something great. If you like a work, it’s only natural to also like things that are similar to it. But if it’s a half-assed attempt that can’t really keep up and bring its own material to the table, well… it’s probably worse than being unrelated and of similar quality.

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