An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

The Alien Invasion Story About Human Cold War Politics – Schwarzesmarken Spoiler Review

The entire Muv Luv BETAverse is, in some ways, a love letter to cold war science fiction. I don’t even know if this was intentional, but between the Soviet chicanery, CIA spooks, national pride, mad science, “Like the atomic bomb but bigger and badder” new weapons, and general theme of mankind on the brink, it does recall quite a lot of that period’s media and color. There was a time not so long ago when actual, legitimate government authorities sank time and money into researching psychic powers and messing around with plots that would make most spy thrillers look tame, and Muv Luv seems to adore that and the storytelling possibilities that come from it, at least enough to keep the blocs around even in a world where everything behind the iron curtain has pretty much been gobbled up by alien monsters. So, I suppose, it only makes sense that Muv Luv would eventually generate a spinoff actually set closer to the heart of the Cold War.

That spin-off is Schwarzesmarken. Set in 1983 East Germany, this is the Muv Luv sidestory anime that really does its own thing, and that thing is largely going all the way with Muv Luv’s infatuation with rebels, coups, and morally gray political backstabbing by engaging with its world.

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