An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

E-Waste – In Another World With My Smartphone Spoiler Review

There are a few pieces of media that seem… unreal. Concept or pitches that seem too stupid to be real, the fiction equivalent of satire where the very thought that this is being pitched is, in some ways, an indictment of the genre, studio, culture, or what have you that supposedly spawned it. If I told you that there was a fighting video game called “Attack of the Busty Vixens!”, you’d probably laugh. Sure, there are a lot of fighting games that get mileage out of their well-endowed females, but nothing would be that bald-faced. Similarly if I said there was a sci-fi novel called “Philosophy 101 in SPACE” you’d know I was just making fun of the tendency – legitimate storytelling technique or no – to have alien species or even human groups in science fiction be defined by one all-consuming ideology each.

This was how I felt when I heard there was an isekai harem anime called “In Another World With My Smartphone” – like it couldn’t possibly be real. This had to be satire about how isekai shows would use any lame thing they could grab as a “Cheat Power”. However, I have to report that this one is, in fact, real.

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