An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Bad End? – In Search of the Lost Future Spoiler Review

If, by chance, you find yourself in Anime High School and don’t want to go on an adventure, apparently in addition to not sitting in the window-side seat second from the back, avoiding mysterious transfer students, and keeping out of any sort of Paranormal or Occult interest group, you should also stay well away from the Astronomy Club, if this show and Brynhildr in the Darkness have anything to say about it.

And that might be the biggest takeaway from the whole show. So, this show… It’s a show. It has episodes and everything. But it’s not exactly memorable or engaging, and in some ways it’s actually strange that it’s not. We’ve got an imperfect time loop, a Sword of Damocles hanging over a lovable character, riddles and mysteries, slow-burn development of the rest of the cast… so why doesn’t this work?

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