An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – Tower of God Episode 3

Another episode, another test. I guess simply qualifying for the Tower is going to be a meaty arc – there’s some promise that we might move on shortly, but all the same it’s been a good deal more than I would have expected from the pitch.

This, in turn, gives a good deal of artificiality to the Tower. Unlike The Abyss in Made in Abyss or many other mega-dungeons, even ones that have something like a man-made structure, there’s clearly an order and formality to the tower. Someone is clearly in charge, and the challenge is one set not by uncaring nature or divine providence but by human or human-like authority… which ties in to Khun’s previously stated interest to go full malicious compliance on the Tower, passing it (which means playing to win) but refusing to play the way the Tower intends.

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