Yanderes check in. They don’t check out.
So, the guest of the week is a happy couple, or so it seems at first. It’s discovered that they were in a play of Cinderella together, which was how they met, but other than that there seem to be some discrepancies in their stories.
At first, Neko deduces the possibility of an affair, but Osoto seems to be one step ahead, and helps to unravel the mystery: Why the man has a ring mark on his finger, why a marriage registration wasn’t signed, why their schedules are different, and ultimately why the woman’s head hadn’t turned into a proper face when first confronted with her name.
The solution turns out to be that the woman of the couple is a crazy stalker with the same given name as the actual wife, and further that she kidnapped the man’s child in order to force him into a confrontation in which they both took a tumble into an unforgiving ocean. She drowned, he’s on life support. Neko manages to stop her from getting murderous with the threat of Hell (and the fact that means she can’t take her mark with her), but Osoto goads her into offing herself, saying it will burden the man with a powerful enough memory that she’ll always be there in spirit. Thus, she offs herself and heads to oblivion while he presumably gets to check out, and Osoto once again gets away with some indirect bad behavior (though he’s not exactly lying when he points out that the situation was otherwise quite dangerous).
More interesting in this, and probably the reason this episode is in here, is the idea of memories. Previously, we’d been told that everyone loses their memory when returning to the world of the living, but Osoto’s claim to the yandere stalker hinges on that not being 100% true. Neko, in the moment, calls it out as a lie, but after the fact she’s curious enough to check in with the monkey dude and learn that some guests do seem to remember their near-death experiences, even if the rate is the terribly low one in fifty thousand.
It’s not stated in this episode, but that likely presents a challenge for Osoto. The human staffers (at the very least Neko, Atori, and Ruri) know that Osoto is a serial killer. It might be pretty unlikely that they’d actually recall this fact and turn him in if the case happens to be that both they and he are alive, but is Osoto the kind of person to take that chance when we know that he’s quite capable of doing a great deal of damage through the hands of others?
Time, and presumably a lot more guests of the week, will tell.