An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – Metallic Rouge Episode 11

Just let them put the action set pieces into play.

Rouge and team invade the complex on Venus, while Silva’s crew prepares to defend. The incoming are separated, Rouge and Naomi headed one way while Cyan, Eden/Noir, and the cop go the other.

On the first side, our favorite shapeshifting clown is sent to murder Naomi and acquire Rouge, and the episode actually ends with him appearing before them disguised as Gene.

On the other side, after promising to resist the mysterious voice, Cyan immeidately falls prey to the puppet master’s voice and gets spirited away from the cop. Eden faces down against on of the other Immortal Nine (who returned his core – ID to use the proper term that I’ve been avoiding since it communicates nothing of the apparent traits) in order to rescue Gene.

Why is this important? Because the meat of the episode was doing two things. One is establishing that Silva is indeed bad news. The fact that she ordered the murder of Rouge’s dad by implication horrifies Aes/Alice (especially combined with the fact that Gene tried to talk matters out before that), and she’s rather cavalier about both the usurpers and the fact that not all Neans will necessarily get on board with her violent schemes, saying she can use the facilities on Venus to basically make herself an army of loyalists to replace any who don’t follow her. So, yeah, some heavy dictator vibes off her.

The other is getting out that Gene, who recall was not his and Rouge’s “father’s” biological child, is instead the bilogical son of the proto-Nean Eden and their creator, the result of a forbidden love that to be this much a shocker I have to imagine wouldn’t have been normally possible with regular Neans and regular humans. The puppet master puts on his own little show about it, and protecting Gene is ultimately revealed to be Eden’s reason to fight against the other side of his family.

That’s the episode. It’s a whole lot of setup, and now we’re in for a whole lot of payoff.