An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – Management of a Novice Alchemist Episode 5

In which we perform alphabet alchemy and transmute bats into hats.

This time, Sarasa wants to start making products that will be useful to common villagers. The first idea is insect repellent items, but that gets tabled in search of a fridge. To get one, Sarasa needs the fangs of Icefang Bats. There aren’t any on market, but fortunately that’s because the cheapskate alchemist accidentally convinced the gatherers that there wasn’t a real profit in hunting them, thanks to undervaluing their bits.

Sarasa brings Kate, Iris, and the guys out to the cave where the bats live, and after some stomping through guano and sliding on ice, manages to take down quite a number of bats. Well more than enough for a refrigerator core. With the leftovers she makes her next highly attractive item: cooling hats, which keep your head and upper body nicely chilled in the summer sun. I have to admit, I’d like one.

However, the threat of reaching market saturation inspires Sarasa to expand her business by hiring locals to make the base hats in more or less their spare time, enchanting them herself, and selling them abroad. The goal of this is to increase the amount of cash flowing through the village, as well as to at least somewhat line her own pockets along the way. As of the end of the episode, at the very least the villagers are on board with the scheme.

It’s cute. Next time on Atelier Sarasa here, it will presumably still be cute.