An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – Deca-dence Episode 7

The “Back mostly with Natsume” episode. Last time, Kaburagi started a new game, and now he finds the situation in Deca-dence. It turns out that the peace of maintenance has ended, and the current “story” sees a massive hole in the armor of Deca-dence, a breach from which the Gadoll must be kept. In the early action sequence, a group of Gadoll get through the breach where more are being fought and begin to slaughter Tankers before Kaburagi (struggling with his new avatar) and Natsume (with friends) take them out and move to reinforce the breach.

Though the Gadoll incoming is defeated, the price is high for the Tankers. The gears are amused, though, which means the Powers That Be are clearly pleased. Kaburagi manages to contact the commander, revealing his identity to his friend and asking after the situation. He finds out that it’s an intentional bit of theater and that the bitter losses that Natsume’s friends suffer are a “merciful” way to cull the human population, which had grown beyond what the game makers would find desirable. Kaburagi isn’t happy about it, but resists lashing out at his friend and protector.

On Natsume’s side, she has a bitter fight before her, not against the Gadoll, but for the hearts and minds of the Tankers. Natsume, and the other Tanker fighters, see the writing on the wall that if they can’t seal the breach, their fight is going to be a losing one. However, the resources aren’t available to them to make the repairs, especially not in a timely fashion, and there’s no one willing to be manpower when the Gadoll could attack at any time. Gears are exalted. Tankers who fight? They’re seen as crazy

All the same, Natsume points out that house repair kits could substitute, and that if they can be convinced to haul together, there are more than enough Tankers to patch the hole. Thinking she’s on her own in this struggle, she goes to her old friend at the butcher shop and tries to make inroads there, and after that spends the day talking to everyone she possibly can, attempting to gather at least supplies. Exhausted, she returns to Kurenai… to find that they’ve been going around, gathering quite the stockpile. Then, despite having blown her off, the Butcher Shop leader appears with Natsume’s friends and a lot more extra hands and extra repair kits, ready to do something for their lives other than just wait for the Gears to save them. Repairs on the wall begin, which are noticed but discounted by the authorities, who don’t think Tankers can do things for themselves.

As the construction gets underway, Kaburagi (introducing himself as a friend of Kaburagi, of course) gets a chance to talk to Natsume. In that time, while the Tankers have made great progress, she admits how lost she’s feeling, and hopeless despite her determination to press forward. Witnessing Natsume, trapped at the end of her rope, having seen the death and destruction dealt to the Tankers as a matter of course, gives Kaburagi new resolve: tear it all down.

This is what Kaburagi, when he logs off, presents to his old compatriots. The inmate gang is going to eliminate the Gadoll… by taking out the factory that’s right above their heads. It’s a hell of a mission, but one that seems to amuse the inmates, particularly Donatello.

I think this was, once again, a very good episode that got across the themes we’re going to have to deal with in the next act. The previous act was about personal growth, Natsume understanding herself and what it really was she wanted while also becoming a badass, and Kaburagi reclaiming his reason to live thanks to Natsume’s earnest nature guiding him. The next arc, it’s clear, is about the world and rebellion. The Tankers don’t know it yet, but by working to protect their home, they’ve already become part of a rebellion that their unseen masters currently discount. Coming together to repair the breach, I feel, is a catalyst and setup that will eventually pay off when the Tankers need to stand up for themselves, potentially even against the Gears. Meanwhile, Donatello’s prison gang now have a vision to strike back against the system that mistreated, abused, and discarded them. It’s not clear how they’ll accomplish this, but they are in a position where they could strike.

In this, we have a two-pronged resistance: Kaburagi’s, in the prison, and Natsume’s in Deca-dence. Kaburagi’s is likely to fire first, setting the stage for a situation in which the Tankers must rise up in one way or another; whether or not the Commander and the Gears are with them, Kamina Shades Boss and the System are absolutely not.

I’m eager for more. There are absolutely ways in which they could botch this, like if the Tankers don’t manage to claim any agency, but the writing up to this point has been good enough that I trust it going forward.