An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 8

Enterprise is having a bad day.

I mean, everyone’s kind of having a bad day today, what with being caught in a sea full of crumbling ice mountains and ever more shattered-window holes in the sky just sort of leaking reality out into an infinite star field, but Enterprise’s day in particular seems kind of terrible especially since she’s spending a good deal of it not really being herself. I guess Kaga might have her beat, depending on how you look at it…

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Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 7

Welcome back Azur Lane. We missed you. The week of break seems to have done a world of good in terms of getting the animation quality under control, getting us a big action-heavy episode with few if any of the derpy zoom-out shots and, as if to try to balance out episode 6, basically no extra fanservice slipped in. The result is an episode that feels a little story-light but that does properly represent a turning point and a solid beginning for the second half of the show.

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Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 6

After last time, we get a breather episode! As predicted, the last events on mist-shrouded island are resolved before the opening, and after that we’re all back at port with nothing more needed to execute the escape. The rest of the episode… remains at port, eschewing the fighting for a double (or more) helping of Azur Lane’s fanservice.

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Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 5

We start with Sheffield making her way through a fairly eerie ruined city, still pursued by the Sakura forces from last time. I’ll be honest, It’s not totally easy to say a lot about the episode because the show is, by in large, staying the course. We get some decent humanity talk, met a double hand full of new characters (This Episode: Fusou, Yamashiro, Atago, Suffolk, Repulse…) that fans of the game will love to see but the uninitiated might have some difficulty following, and then a decent action sequence. But talking about this stuff is just what I’m here for, so that’s what I’ll do.

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Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 4

Just as I was talking about the need for a more Sakura Empire/Red Axis episode, we get an episode heavily focused on the Sakura Empire. True, we still got a couple scenes with Enterprise and Belfast as well as the other Azur Lane characters, but the meat or the episode is spent in Sakura territory, dealing with their intrigues.

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Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 3

So, even in Azur Lane, an anime set entirely in ocean and oceanside environments and about the humanoid incarnations of warships, there must be a beach episode. I guess that checks out: the game gives you the option of a lot of swimsuit costumes for the girls, and the previous shipgirl show I watched, Arpeggio of Blue Steel, managed to work in a ‘beach episode’ as well. The question is not whether or not it’s here, but how it was used.

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Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 2

At some point, I have to question what I’m expecting out of Azur Lane. To an extent, this is a question for any show, as you attempt to determine what the ambition of the creators was. It would be pure madness to try to hold everything to the same standards. For Azur Lane, I think the evidence is mounting that there is at least some real desire to tell a war story, even surrounded as it is by a lot of fanservice of every kind.

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Seasonal Selection – Azur Lane Episode 1

After some worry about who if anyone would be streaming this thing, it’s finally here, the Azur Lane anime, and I’m going to be taking a look at each of the episodes as they come out, either Thursday evenings or Friday until the show is done. This week, we get a war started and find out what the anime is going to feel like.

Before really diving in, I feel I should link my pre-anime lore roundup. You can find it here:

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