An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

Anime Expo 2024 Day 2 – Selected Previews

Today, the topic up for bid was Ubel Blatt.  So, briefly, I’ll share what I saw.Ubel Blatt is pitched as a dark fantasy revenge story.  A man betrayed by the so-called “Seven Heroes” (who actually murdered their other companions to steal the glory) returns after many years wearing a new face and new name in order to pull his companions-turned-would-be-killers from their positions of privilege and kill them back.

Now, while there’s a part of me that gets a little nervous around these themes, it seems that the main concern of Ubel Blatt is ye olde ultra-violence, combined with characters and a storyline that are clearly compelling.  I say that because Ubel Blatt is based not just on a completed manga, but one that started running back in the early 2000s, finishing in 2019.  Especially given the long run, it’s odd to see an anime be produced for a finished thing, and despite that it drew in some very devoted fans.  With the manga formerly released and now being re-released in English and other translated languages, it’s clear that this thing is and has been reaching and getting positive regard from a lot of folks around the globe.  I have to say, the circumstances around this anime being made are enough to get me at least a little interested.

The trailer that was provided didn’t tell much more.  It reinforced the idea that this is going to be a quite blood-soaked adventure, but didn’t really add anything new to the voice that the Mangaka and staff doing their talk show bit presented Ubel Blatt as.  Thus, we come to the end of this one-item Day 2 summary