Fractale is a science fiction show that takes place in a future Earth dominated by Augmented Reality technology. It’s a dive into a multi-layered blend of digital and physical realities where our young heroes attempt to work out for themselves what’s real to them and what’s worth saving.
At the risk of starting where I usually end, I’ll summarize some of my feelings. Fractale is a show that almost works. It stands on the cusp of greatness in a lot of ways, but it can never quite measure up to its awesome ambitions. It aspires to be grand and fantastical, combining visionary science fiction with the deeply mythic feeling of the hero’s journey through a strange world. It attempts to be both intensely human and operatic, both philosophical and visceral… but in its pursuit of being all things to all people, it’s a show that can come apart at the seams and doesn’t reach any of its goals, much less all of them.
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