Boogiepop Phantom is a hard one. It starts out with elements of an anthology show, episodes dedicated to strange and seemingly supernatural occurrences that happen to encounter each other at tangent points, but ultimately the show does tie together into a single and larger plot. The show basically never explains anything, but at the same time it gives you the palpable sense that the truth is out there and an explanation exists within reach. It’s named after a particular oft-referenced supernatural entity… which barely appears in the show.
All in all it’s a bizarre sepia-toned dive into a threatening world of deep shadows, down-to-earth character designs, and supernatural occurrences that defy quick and easy labels like “vampires” or “ghosts” yet clearly inhabit a conceptual space that belongs to icons of horror… and we’re going to take a closer look in order to understand its appeal as well as its technical plot.
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